Techinques of Tapping, the Enneagramm and Yoga on Lanzarote

Combine your relaxing retreat on stunning Lanzarote with modern psychology workshops


06.12.2019 bis 10.12.2019

Special workshops are offered in Kalindi from Dec 6th to Dec 10th 2019. Workshops can be booked also if you are not staying in Kalindi. 

Accommodations must be booked and paid seperatly from the courses I offer!

All my workshops combine a theoretical unit with a practical unit. The practical units can be compared to mindful practice. You will never be pressured to share your private matters with others. It will not be embarrassing. Your integrity and privacy are my priority!

 #1 Techniques of Tapping* and the steps to inner healing*

In this 3-hour workshop you will learn:

How you can manage emotional upheavals with techniques of tapping. Tapping can be learned quickly as it’s an easy method of autonomous stress management. You will benefit from tapping both in private and business contexts.  

How to step out of your old patterns of self-sabotage:

  1. Self-reproach/condemnation
  2. Accusing others
  3. Putting expectations on others
  4. Retraumatising your hurt inner child

The program will include both practical and a theoretical units. You will be able to work on a personal issue without sharing it to the group.  Learn a fun way of tapping and release yourself from old and limiting patterns!

#2 «I want to be happy in life and love myself unconditionally»

In this 3-hour workshop you will learn why unhealthy allegiances/bonds to persons and systems prevent you from being truly happy and from loving yourself unconditionally. With the «cognitive congruence test»* we find out how your inner, unhealthy allegiances prevent you from your set goals. This is a powerful way of eradicating toxic root causes and can be very surprising, especially as you discover just how many attachments have been working against your goals and dreams. This workshop does require that you openly present your goal, for example: «I want to be happy. I want to make myself a priority in my life. I want to respect my own needs. I want to unconditionally love myself».

#3 How the inner flow of the TRIAD will save you from burnout

In this 3-hour workshop you will learn more about your inner team: your gut feeling, your heart and your head.

The triad’s basic needs are:

Gut feeling: autonomy

Heart: relationship

Head: security

You will learn how you can make the three work together as a team. If one of them is missing, it will have an impact on either your autonomy, relationship or security. If the three of them are « in flow » you will be protected from falling into burnout. The workshop will have theoretical as well as practical units. You will never be forced to share your private issues in public. The practical units are comparable to mindfulness practice.

#4 Introduction Enneagramm

This 3-hour workshop introduces you to:

The ENNEAGRAMM (Ennea= nine, gramm=figure GREEK) model, which provides 9 different descriptions of personalities. The 9 different ways of seeing the world cannot be described by character or behaviour. This is not a 9-slot system where you have to fit in at all! Rather, the 9 ways can be found in 9 different energies in your body that show a specific «life subject» in your life. You express this «life subject» in your individual, unique way. Finding your own structure strengthens your identity and brings into focus some of your blindspots. All 9 aspects are found inside of you but one of them is your « homebase ».  Once you mindfully know each one of them, you’ll be instilled with a sense of identity and unity.

#5 Enneagramm: To balance your strength and opposite poles.

In this 3-hour workshop you will learn the key to keep your life in balance. In a mindful practice, you will balance your Enneagramm structures’s strength and opposite poles. This is a powerful embodied experience to protect you from burnout. As you witness other Enneagramm types go through that process, you will come to understand yourself and others better. People can be so different! It will expand your empathy and tolerance for yourself and others.

For workshops 4 and 5, an individual analysis of your Enneagramm structure (or type) is mandatory. Its a 2-hour individual coaching session you can book Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 3 to 5 pm, 90 Euros (2 hours)

Price per workshop: 20 Euros, notes, drinks and snacks included.

Book all 5 workshops with the individual coaching: Special Price of 170 Euros (save 20 Euros)

Please let me know specifically which workshops you want to book. 


Dec 6th Friday: workshop 1 from 11 am-2 pm

Dec 7th Saturday: workshop 2 from 7 pm-10 pm

Dec 8th Sunday: workshop 3 11 am-2 pm

Dec 9th Monday: workshop 4 11 am- 2 pm

Dec 10th Tuesday: workshop 5 11 am-2 pm


Accommodation: If you want to stay in KALINDI: please book and pay your room:

You can also stay elsewhere and book my courses!

At Kalindi you can enjoy daily free yoga classes, delicious & healthy breakfasts, several massages & activities.

Workshops: Please note that a nonrefundable deposit of 50 % of your total booking will be required. As soon as I have received the money, your workshops will be confirmed.

*by « Klopfen mit PEP » Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Bohne, Germany

